What information do we collect? - When you order, we need to know your name, email address, mailing and billing address, credit card number, and credit card expiration date. This information allows us to process and fulfill your order, and to notify you of your order status.
When you want to sign up for services like Newsletters, we need only an email address - which we use to send the information you requested.
We may personalize your shopping experience by using your purchases and site behavior to shape our recommendations about the merchandise that might be of interest to you.
We may also use the information we collect to notify occasionally you about important functionality changes to the website, new services, and special offers we think you'll find valuable. We would send this information to you based on your permission.You can unsubscribe at any time by clicking the unsubscribe link that is at the bottom of every message that we send or you can send a message to our service team and we will unsubscribe you.
We may also retain data that you provide on this website, even if you do not fully complete an order by clicking the Buy Now Button, or a newsletter subscription. Any data you entered on this web site may be used to contact you and inquire as to why you did not fully complete the order with us.
How do we protect this information? - We use the latest encryption SSL 256 Bit Encryption technology to keep your personal information safe. All your orders are processed using SSL and ordering information -- including your name, address, and credit card number - this information is encrypted during this process to our secure server for maximum security. We never store, or retain any credit card details, or any personal information in regards to banking details.
Do we give this information to anyone else? - We NEVER disclose, sell or otherwise share your personal information with any external, or third parties. We are very discreet in all purchases and with all personal data we treat it as if it were our own personal information.